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New TL, old memories

2006.08.28. 14:03 gg

TL5 contains valuable memories for the TD listener, with acceptable quality. It's a pleasure to find the next piece of the 1997 tour, the Manchester set, which has a slightly different concert set list than the others from spring 97 - but it's not so important now (perhaps Edgar opened the sequencer files in a wrong order?). The real thing is that every 97 concert recording recalls good flashbacks from me like the full-house Budapest concert (Monica was soooo glad as I saw her), and the Warsaw event at the most beautiful place in the town - where Andrejka from Slovenia and me enjoyed nice hours of conversation with Edgar and the team (Monica, Emil, Jerome and Zlatko) after the show.

The picture was taken by Andrejka herself in Warsaw, winner of the TD web contest of 1996.

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