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Loom to play in Budapest

2012.09.05. 18:18 gg

The announcement has been out for months and we are at the final stage of setting up the two Budapest shows of Loom, the band of some former Tangerine Dream members.

We will host a concert in front of a standing crowd in 28th September, 2012 while 29th, September will be a choice for those who enjoy this music sitting, eyes closed. The venue is the marvellous ship on the Danube, A38 which won the Best Bar award from Lonely Planet, world's leading touristic site recently. We promise a really exciting mixture of place and program!

Loom's doyen member is Johannes Schmoelling, the creative genius of Tangerine Dream during the eighties; thanks to his work, all the fan's poll result his era as the most popular time of the band. After splitting with Edgar he produced some spectacular solo albums with very good reception like Wuivend Riet, and the perhaps strongest-ever concept work of the electronic field, Zoo of Tranquillity. Johannes is an excellent piano player and he will have his classical Jupiter-8 synthesizer here as well.

Jerome, Edgar Froese's beloved son is the driving force behind Loom, playing mostly guitar parts. He worked 15 years in Tangerine Dream which is the second longest period, just right after his father; his contribution was a total reshape of the band's sound in the 90s when modern dance-oriented electronic music has flooded the music market. His successful integration resulted big achievements - beside long sold-out tours they received seven Grammy-nomination then. Jerome is a master of creating contemporary rhythms and sounding moods, and after his departure he developed a completely new style with strong guitar use and vibrating electronic drum tracks. Oh, not to forget the classical TD-style sequencing art which is also his native language...

Third Loom member, Robert Waters is relatively unknown for us since he never played in TD at all - but his musical and producer skills are proven to be exceptional since he has worked in the Berlin scene since many-many years. Let's hear his wonderful track called Magicoscope:

In Budapest, the band will play classical TD pieces - some of them were debuted in Eindhoven, their previous concerts, but there may be surprises as our sources say. In addition we will get some solo stuff also, and a very new, Loom-composed track - the group's very first joined composition. See you there, order tickets here!

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