For those who cannot attend the show: please enjoy the leader of the Hungarian delegation, Maby's video sniplets. Quality: acceptable!
Astoria videos on Youtube
2007.05.07. 09:43 gg
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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.
Andy K 2007.05.08. 19:24:46
Come on lads, I want to read the Hungarian fan's report on the Astoria gig!
Any idea how many of you are going to the two new German concerts?
Any idea how many of you are going to the two new German concerts?
Andy K 2007.05.13. 14:44:03
Completely off topic, we're running a TD Charity Memorabilia raffle, any suggestions welcomed:
New items will be added each day...up until the start date of June 1st...the prize draw will at the Cardiff meet up in July.
all profits to two charities
New items will be added each day...up until the start date of June 1st...the prize draw will at the Cardiff meet up in July.
all profits to two charities
Andy K 2007.06.06. 18:58:59
Tangerine Dream Charity Memorabilia raffle...June to July 2007.
The group have just sent me some nice items to add to this charity Raffle
The group have just sent me some nice items to add to this charity Raffle
Andy K 2007.07.08. 23:51:12
I need some Hungarian fans input for this!!!!!
To mark TD's 40th anniversary in September
of this year I thought I'd do one of two things:
1. An audio blog or potted TD online history, part of which would be interviews with a few fans, recording their reactions and views on various TD related topics to form a radio 'show' of sorts
2. Doing something similar 'here' as a text based page, but with some graphics and hopefully more of a structure to it than the usual forum banter.
The 'idea' (if you can call it that) is that you answer one or all of the questions below and then email them to me at my usual email address or my gmail address; see below (I won't be posting any of your answers until september. Btw it should be obvious that I won't be using every single quote, just cherry picking the most insightful, funny or best bits). So far there are 7 questions (feel free to suggest new questions), these are likely to be added to or be deleted as we go along (so please be clear about which question/s you're answering). As an added insentive, the first 14 people to do so will receive a free raffle ticket for the TD Charity Memorabilia Raffle I'm running at the moment (up until the dead line of July 19th). The draw itself will be made in Cardiff (South Wales) on saturday July 21st 2007.
Most of the questions deal with things from a personal view, as a fan of the group, therefore discussions about ring modulator serial numbers, Mellotron tape lengths and flair widths (although interesting) aren't always needed ;)
If possible could you make your answers more than a single word
1. 40 years after Edgar Froese started the band, what does TD mean to you...'now'?
2. What was the first record you bought? where did you buy it, where did you play it and what did you think of it?
3. When & where was the first time you saw the group in concert? How was it for you? Is it still your favourite?
4. When was the last time you saw the group live and how did it compare to that first time?
5. Do you think TD's music has changed you as a person? if so how?
6. If you had to save one TD record for posterity what would it be and why?
7. After 40 years of weird and wonderful press coverage, what do you think TD's real legacy is within electronic music?
To mark TD's 40th anniversary in September
of this year I thought I'd do one of two things:
1. An audio blog or potted TD online history, part of which would be interviews with a few fans, recording their reactions and views on various TD related topics to form a radio 'show' of sorts
2. Doing something similar 'here' as a text based page, but with some graphics and hopefully more of a structure to it than the usual forum banter.
The 'idea' (if you can call it that) is that you answer one or all of the questions below and then email them to me at my usual email address or my gmail address; see below (I won't be posting any of your answers until september. Btw it should be obvious that I won't be using every single quote, just cherry picking the most insightful, funny or best bits). So far there are 7 questions (feel free to suggest new questions), these are likely to be added to or be deleted as we go along (so please be clear about which question/s you're answering). As an added insentive, the first 14 people to do so will receive a free raffle ticket for the TD Charity Memorabilia Raffle I'm running at the moment (up until the dead line of July 19th). The draw itself will be made in Cardiff (South Wales) on saturday July 21st 2007.
Most of the questions deal with things from a personal view, as a fan of the group, therefore discussions about ring modulator serial numbers, Mellotron tape lengths and flair widths (although interesting) aren't always needed ;)
If possible could you make your answers more than a single word
1. 40 years after Edgar Froese started the band, what does TD mean to you...'now'?
2. What was the first record you bought? where did you buy it, where did you play it and what did you think of it?
3. When & where was the first time you saw the group in concert? How was it for you? Is it still your favourite?
4. When was the last time you saw the group live and how did it compare to that first time?
5. Do you think TD's music has changed you as a person? if so how?
6. If you had to save one TD record for posterity what would it be and why?
7. After 40 years of weird and wonderful press coverage, what do you think TD's real legacy is within electronic music?
Andy K 2007.07.24. 00:58:43
Andy K 2007.09.13. 21:43:31
I'm a bit disapointed that I've had zero feedback from the Hungarian fans (re TD's 40th anniversary)...can it be that you lot have all gone off the group? ;)
all the best
all the best

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