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Live concert on the latest fan meeting

2006.09.14. 13:46 gg

Our latest IRL meeting (kept October 29th, 2005) had a speciality: three of us - nicknames: adsr, Peter Lion and me - formed an electronic improvisation trio and gave a 90-minutes live concert with some visuals for the 100+ audience. The event was not advertised in any way only friends from the Index topic attended. The band had no name then but later we decided to go on as Trade Union.


Now we are in the middle of building a compact live setup with laptops, keyboards and software instruments only and will gig soon. Here you can find a sonic fragment what you can expect from us.

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m61petyus 2006.09.14. 16:11:15

I will never forget that day. I was surprising while I listened your excellent performance music sound and composition! That date means my connection to fan's friendship. I wait for very 'well the next evening when we can enjoy again your presentation for us.
Thank's adsr, GG and PLion!

Dzsedzs · 2006.09.14. 20:28:22

That was a fantastic evening! I have really enjoyed it with great joy and happiness. It was a superb performance. I'm waiting for the next big show. I'll be there definiately. Thanx Trade Union !
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