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Paradiso is finally here

2006.09.29. 16:28 gg

After a year of waiting the third episode of the Dante-trilogy, Paradiso has arrived to us. Inferno was a surprise of his experimental orchestration; Purgatorio set the level even higher with returning to a more conventional pop sound but keeping Inferno's advancements - Paradiso is something mixed from the predecessors (or at least it seems so at the very first listening). Monumental string orchestra, contemporary drum beats, lovely vocals - Paradiso has enough arsenal of excitement factors to dazzle the TD-community worldwide.

Paradiso debuts the TDI-shop next Monday. Be there.

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andy K · 2006.09.29. 20:54:48

Paradisio is now available from TDI and Edgar's site (the Road Map EP is also available from Eastgate).

andy K · 2006.09.30. 15:19:12

I've just been reading about Dante's Paradiso, and the following bit jumped out at me:

...First Sphere: The moon - those who abandoned their vows (Cantos II through V). Dante meets Piccarda, sister of Dante's friend Forese Donati, who died shortly after being forcibly removed from her convent...

Forese? hmmm that's spookily near to Froese :)
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