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How TD put itself on my map?

2006.09.30. 14:40 Dzsedzs

How Tangerine Dream put itself on my map? That is, how I did first came into contact with TD. Well, not an interesting story, but maybe it shows how diffenert we, TD lovers, have different tastes within the music that TD gives.

One day in ~1992, I went to the library (where I used to borrow cd-s) to get some music of my taste. As I was searching through the discs, I realised that I have listened to most of them (that were interesting for me), and nearly turned my attention to the books, when suddenly, I saw something that made my eyes look sharp with excitement. There I saw a CD with a curious cover. It is wise to know, that I'm fond of space related things very much, and love all that kinda pics of deep space, like the ones that can be found as the Messier Objects. So, there was this album. Took it out and read: Tangerine Dream - Cyclone. Never heard of this band before, but I said, lets see, what kind of music is under this nice cover. So took it home, put into the player, and from the 1st second I was very excited. I liked Steve Jollife's vocals and the music, an instrumental like, that was and will be my always number 1 taste. I liked the album immediately. I said to myself: "Music is space-like, cover is space-like, oh boy, what else do you need? These tastes combine in one thing!" I was thrilled to find something new for me, that might bring new feelings, and new adventures to my life. I started to look more information after this band. I was hungry for more, and to my happiness I came into contact with other albums. Lots of albums, like Tangram (my all time favourite), Zeit (in my top ten), Force Majeure, Stratosfear, Phaedra and Rubycon my biggest classics of TD, etc.

So, it was Cyclone, that made me a TD fan. Yes I know, many of you find this strange, and this is why I said at the beginning how different we find the feeling of music of Tangerine Dream. Because many of us know, that Cyclone is not considered as a big hit of TD and if I'm in the group who dislikes this album, then maybe, I'll never write this little story, or meet good friends all over the world.

Now, I dedicate some nice pics I like to Cyclone for giving me many many happiness throughtout the years since I know Tangerine Dream, and surely it will give more:

Keep on dreaming everybody, and don't forget to spread "Tangerine Dream is a universal language". :)

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Peter_Lion 2006.10.08. 20:55:38

For a long time I had no idea that Cyclone is unprosperous. This is why I liked it and still like it too. Of course not because of Steve Jolliffe's singing, but becase of the typical TD sounding that can be found on all three tracks of the album. In my plan I'll soon write here to the blog, about what does TD means to me, and what experiences I had during the Berlin concert...

andy K · 2006.10.09. 12:03:58

Hurry up and do a post Peter, this place is too quiet
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