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Personal memories

2006.10.16. 12:42 Peter_Lion

Having a closed nature electronic music touched me from the radio first. Oxygene and Equinoxe from Jarre has amazed me, and  after the next step - Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon - I discovered Man Machine from Kraftwerk. This album was my favourite for a while, until I catched TD's Thief from the Hungarian Radio in 1981. I wasn't completely sure at first listening that it's the music of my taste but when the wonder of Quichotte has touched my ears I knew TD will influence my life heavily - musically, at least.

White Eagle soon released and since I studied cooking next to the Budapest Sporthall I've early learnt the fact TD will perform at Chip Festival, October 1982, at this location (Klaus Schulze appeared also).

I had the chance to enjoy this wonderful event with a friend which I consider to be my best concert experience ever - even if I count that a technical problem caused some minutes of extra break during the first half (this breakdown had a favorable result to us - TD played some minutes of extra program which was never performed elsewhere; just check our earlier post). On the picture you can see the building of BS which was completely burnt out in 1999 and rebuilt immediately with a very different look.

After this show I decided to listen to all recordings of TD and buying as much as I can afford. Tangram quickly became my next favourite and the soon released Logos, too - and listening to Ricochet makes me shiver even now, after many times of enjoying. i will not mention all the albums from Phaedra to 1982 because all of them are masterpieces to me in their unique way.

To me the golden age has ended with Logos - I felt music of Poland has already started to transform something completely different. As I guessed after this recording I didn't find an album which completely fitted to my style but I have to admit TD still produced lots of very good songs, just to name some of them:

1984 FIRESTARTER - Charly The Kid

1985 LE PARC – Le Parc (LA – Streethawk)

1986 UNDERWATER SUNLIGHT – Dolphin Dance

1987 TYGER – Alchemy of the Heart

1988 SHY PEOPLE – The Harbor

1989 LILY ON THE BEACH - Too Hot For My Chinchilla

1990 MELROSE - Rolling Down Cahuenga

1991 CANYON DREAMS - Canyon Voices

1992 ROCKOON - Girls On Broadway

1993 220 VOLT LIVE - Sundance Kid

1994 TURN OF THE TIDES - Jungle Journey

1995 DREAM MIXES ONE – Sojus

1996 ZONING – The Conspiracy

1997 TOURNADO - Towards the evening star (Live)

1998 DREAM ENCORES – Thief Yang and the Tangram Seal

1999 WHAT A BLAST - Beauty of the Blast

2000 GREAT WALL OF CHINA - Meng Tian

2001 DREAM MIXES III - Diamonds and Dust

2003 DM4 - Perplex Parts

2004 PURGATORIO – Sun Sons Seal Part 1

2005 KYOTO – Tamago Yaki

Peak of 2005 was selected from Kyoto but Jeanne D'Arc was a pleasant surprise also. This doesn't mean it can rival with the classics but perhaps it is the best CD after 1983. Blue Dawn was a disappointment to me and Paradiso (very similar to Inferno!) is also far from the TD route Purgatorio eventually catched. The Tempodrom event left mixed feelings in me - we got a fantastic program with real masterpieces but unfortunately with very few actions from the Froeses (except the guitar solos). Luckily there were enough musicians on stage to make real live music :) It was a real worth to take this trip to TD's cultic born place, and it was a pleasure to meet so many hardcore fans from everywhere!

Finally I would like to ask all of you attended the international fan meeting at Sony Center to send a mail into my mailbox: with a photo of yourselves - I would like to identify everybody in my photo sets.

On our Berlin tour I assembled a 70-minutes video material which is not a common tour documentary: the soon-to-be-40 years old TD will play an important role in it also... We, Hungarians will meet again in November - if anybody wants to attend we will welcome! We hope we can play live music with Trade Union there - more info will available soon here.

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gg 2006.10.25. 11:32:26

anyone participating?

andy K · 2006.10.27. 00:27:16

Not many by the looks of it, or at least nobody who posts on all the usual forums :(
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