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The Tree is over

2006.10.25. 11:31 gg

Sad news from Heiko Heerssen, father of the Tangerine Tree and Leaves project: he will quit from this business and will not release any additional live concert recording. I shouldn't say it will influence our everyday life heavily but at this point we have to say a big thank you to Heiko for all the work they put into a project which was so important to us.

You can find Heiko's original message here at Yahoo Groups "tadream", or you can read it below.

" I assume the subject line will cause some irritation or even
frustration, but I decided to put an end to both the "Tangerine Tree"
and the "Tangerine Leaves" series immediately. I will also no longer
offer any recordings on my website (which closes down at the end of

I had several reasons to do this, the most important though is that
the project (and the copying) ate up nearly all my spare time, and I
have now reached the point of no return...wife or TD, the age-old
question :-)

Lately is was more like a 'TD shadow economy' I was caught in, and I
had a growing discomfort about what I was doing. I also became
gradually aware of the legal problems I could be faced with (like
releasing archive material from TV stations although I signed an
agreement which cleary stated that this was for personal use
only)..Risky business..

And last but not least, some dubious people tried to jump onto the
wagon by selling TT copies in shops for the price of a real CD.

So I'm going to pull the plug now, look back with a bit of pride and
heroically ride into the sunset ~LOL~.


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Dzsedzs · 2006.10.28. 08:41:53

This is indeed sad news :( .

Heiko, thx a lot for these works.
süti beállítások módosítása