Among the huge wall of TD sounds created with this instrument I have to mention the most characteristic one which is easily recognizable at the very first moment of listening for all the TD fans. This is a sound program called Stratotron (audio sample) and it already existed in the 1980s - at least I had it in my DX7 also. The source of this patch is not clear (if anybody knows anything please contact), but had a great success in Edgar's studio and later at numerous scene of the e-music industry. Lots of instruments and sample banks, CDs, download services include this sound (for example the leading Hungarian sample source for the Reason system, Reasonbanks.com).

In addition, the original Stratotron is still available in FM7, the second preset bank contains it, at position 111.
Some weeks ago FM7 has updated, the new version, FM8 has a dramatically redesigned feature set but it still contains Six-String and Stratotron.
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