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Interview from the past

2006.12.05. 13:15 gg

In 1982, one of the biggest pop sensation of our country was the so called Chip Festival where Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze performed (the third player, OMD has cancelled their appearance). It is great to recall memories for a lot of us from that time - a full, 11,000 people crowded arena, enthusiastic press activities and so on. We still had a very few western pop act playing live in Budapest...

Tickets sold at a very high price tag: my seat cost 140 Hungarian Forint and I even didn't have any view to the stage! (We had to leave the place and sat just right in front of the huge stage and held my heads up for more than two hours...) To have a quick comparison of the prices: the average workers' income was 2000 Forint per month...

The article I scanned here was originally published in a special edition colour newspaper which were filled with interviews of all the leading popstars playing in Budapest in 1982/83. I made the translation of the interview to English some ten years ago and it can be found some in the tadream list archive - if somebody helps me out to find it I will say a big thank you.

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Andy K 2006.12.05. 23:26:43

Excellent stuff and totally new to me. It reminds me I haven't put anything new on my Blog for ages :)
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