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New DVDs in the next weeks

2007.03.12. 21:35 gg

Two new DVD releases are really worth to mention: at first, Voiceprint announced the long-awaited Phaedra 2005 show held at the Shepherd's Bush Empire, 2005. Act quickly at this page and you will be in the lucky 750 who receives their disc with Edgar's signature. A second argument: the initial release contains two disc - one for the show and the second with interviews with the band and fans and there is some secret soundcheck recording also.

You can preorder the already mentioned Madcap DVD/CD release from 24th, March at the Eastgate shop. The video plays the full album performed at TD's studio environment.

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Andy K 2007.03.13. 17:32:01

The SBE 3 CD recording has now been withdrawn from sale by Voiceprint.


Andy K 2007.04.12. 18:03:45

Worth a translation into Hungarian I think :)


gg 2007.04.17. 09:30:34

Where can we find the interview? Have you got a link? Couldn't find..
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