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Breaking news from Voiceprint

2006.12.21. 12:05 gg

We've just received a letter from Voiceprint with some really good official news: the new studio album called Madcap's Flaming Duty is really on the way and planned to be released 2nd April. It is really dedicated to the memory of Syd Barrett, Pink Floyd, and features a long list of musicians: Edgar, Thorsten, Linda, Iris, plus Chris Housle, Bernhard Beibl, Gynt Beator, Thomas Beator and Vincent Nowak. (It seems to us that Jerome didn't work on this project.)

An official press release page can be found here, a promo CD can be ordered here with an exclusive interview of Edgar. We can also find info on the Tempodrom DVD release also - Voiceprint will resell it from April, also.

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Andy K 2006.12.23. 22:45:14

The New TD 'official' forum is online now! :)
süti beállítások módosítása