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Photo contest is finished and running

2007.11.13. 15:27 gg

The entry process of the official Eastgate photo contest for fans is closed 31th, October - and now the voting for the best pictures is up and running. You can check the photos at TD's official MySpace page with a nice slide show. I also have an entry (in the right you can see it) which will not win…


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Still on Frankfurt

2007.10.13. 10:25 gg

The day started with a funny moment in the Hungarians' headquarters. As always, I now choosed the old historical city found some 30 kilometres far from Frankfurt, Seligenstadt. My favourite hotel is situated here at the wonderful main square, and was established in 1490 as hotel. In Sunday while…


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2007.10.09. 21:52 gg

Back from Frankfurt, having good time at a fantastic place, Alte Oper. Perhaps the best acoustic environment TD ever played, we enjoyed a show that was really extraordinary. The setlist was very curious, containing several rare or never-played tracks again - perhaps Edgar wants to play everything…


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Surprise for Frankfurt

2007.10.05. 15:26 gg

We promised a surprise for the Frankfurt pre-concert meeting and now we finally roll up the curtain: the lucky fellows who will fill our "TD in Hungary" quiz sheet best will receive not only out legendary :) T-shirt and the original Hungarian booklet with the long TD interview inside…


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10 GOTO Frankfurt

2007.09.18. 09:31 gg

After a long break we are here again and planning the Frankfurt trip to have a Night in Space with Tangerine Dream at Alte Oper. Probably Frankfurt is the city where I spent the second longest time in my life - if I add all the weeks I've been there for world's biggest musical instruments show,…


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Astoria videos on Youtube

2007.05.07. 09:43 gg

For those who cannot attend the show: please enjoy the leader of the Hungarian delegation, Maby's video sniplets. Quality: acceptable!


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Live news

2007.05.07. 09:34 gg

Official news from the official site: two more special live appearance of TD has confirmed - first is 1st July, 2007, an open air concert with no admission fee at the city of Eberswalde. (This city is about one hour far from Berlin by car.) The show will celebrate the opening of the Wunderlich-House…


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The show of two halves: Astoria

2007.04.25. 10:11 gg

Yes, we are way behind the news... Unfortunately we couldn't manage such a huge group to London, Astoria like last year, Tempodrom, Berlin, but a few of us were there and will report soon. Until then, you can read a very detailed report on The Archive Plus written by Andy with a special kind of…


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Dante is dead - Jerome's new shop is up

2007.03.18. 21:43 gg

Jerome has promised it, Jerome has done it: his label Moonpop has opened a complete webshop for Jerome-related products at The professional surface works very fine and quickly and the news section has some interesting information. The first surprise: Jerome will soon release a TD…


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New DVDs in the next weeks

2007.03.12. 21:35 gg

Two new DVD releases are really worth to mention: at first, Voiceprint announced the long-awaited Phaedra 2005 show held at the Shepherd's Bush Empire, 2005. Act quickly at this page and you will be in the lucky 750 who receives their disc with Edgar's signature. A second argument: the initial…


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Madcap news

2007.03.06. 23:35 gg

Smart viral marketing or Madcap has leaked out unintentionally? Check this site and make your choice: there are streamed audio segments from TD's upcoming sensational album.If you have fifteen minutes at least, check this very new interview of Edgar at


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Ticket fetishism

2007.03.05. 20:29 gg

Concert tickets for a TD-fan work as virtual time machines - you can travel back to different places and relive the events with them. Let's see what we have in our vaults. At first here is the ticket for the Shepherds Bush Empire show, London, 1997. Wish I had a time machine really - because I…


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A new limited edition CD on preorder

2007.03.02. 18:35 gg

Nobody can beat Andy: he brought up to us the very new info from the official site. TD will release a new special project 23rd March called Springtime in Nagasaki which was composed for a Japanese businessman last year. Yes, the topic is the terrible nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945 -…


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Destination: London

2007.02.23. 16:33 gg

All the information is public now about the upcoming London premiere show of Madcap's Flaming Duty: you can read it on the official promo poster.What is sure now: you will find people in T-shirts again, but we still unable to tell our exact number.For all who would buy tickets…


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The London Madcap show - official details

2007.02.17. 18:51 gg

TD's official site has announced the exact date and place of the London show. The official world premiere of the new album, Madcap's Flaming Duty will take place at the Astoria Theater, London, in April 20th, 2007. TD promises a very special show for the event, coloured with old tracks that never…


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Preorder Madcap now!

2007.02.13. 18:27 gg

Today Voiceprint placed a webpage at a special domain: where you can preorder Madcap's Flaming Duty for 10 GBP + shipping. The page also streams the free interview CD with musical examples from Madcap.


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Completely splitted

2007.02.05. 16:59 gg

It seems very clear now: after 17 years of collaboration, Edgar father and his son will manage their lives separately. Jerome's label, Moonpop revealed its new, redesigned website at, where we can read about the agreement between the Froeses - Jerome has got back all the exclusive…


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Coventry on DVD

2007.01.29. 09:38 gg

A sensational DVD release has just announced: Tony Palmer's legendary film of TD's famous gig at Coventry Cathedral is very close to be shipped to our hands in much better quality than the YouTube version we all got used to. Groove starts to ship this wonderful surprise 19th, February for 26…


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Madcap: a vocal album, again

2007.01.22. 13:39 gg

Some of you will be disappointed, others will be glad: now it is official that Madcap's Flaming Duty, TD's next official studio recording will be a vocal album. The promo disc has just arrived from Voiceprint and features a long interview with Edgar and excerpts from the album.The overall sound of…


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TD in synths, part 3

2007.01.15. 11:08 gg

Perhaps some of you have noticed on the new official website: Edgar tries to sell his old Roland D70 synthesizer which worked for him more than a decade actively. The instrument hit the shops around 1990 and TD soon discovered its features: its sound (besides with the already-mentioned Korg…


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Inferno DVD: don't think you don't need it

2007.01.12. 15:02 gg

Many of you, TD listeners refuse the Dante trilogy because it is very different from the usual sound you get used to from Edgar in the decades. I don't want to fight with these valuations - it would eat up so much time and I have so few hope to win. But.The company has recently released a…


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A recent article on Berlin-school

2007.01.01. 20:58 gg

Magyar Narancs (Hungarian Orange), Hungary's most popular political and cultural weekly for the young people published a full-page article on the so-called Berlin-school phenomena in their Christmas 2006 issue. Narancs featured TD- and Klaus Schulze-reviews many times in its sixty-years history, and…


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