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Ticket fetishism

2007.03.05. 20:29 gg

Concert tickets for a TD-fan work as virtual time machines - you can travel back to different places and relive the events with them.

Let's see what we have in our vaults. At first here is the ticket for the Shepherds Bush Empire show, London, 1997. Wish I had a time machine really - because I could attend the show with no problem, this ticket is still valid. I did not attend the show because of a vis maior but kept the ticket...

Probably the most valuable piece of my collection can be seen here - a ticket for the Budapest Logos show, 1982! There is no any detail which could identify the performing band but check the date and place: this is really the tangible memory of the full-house crowded, 11,000 people Hungarian Logos show. Price is printed on the ticket: 140 forint which was extremely high at the time - the average salary was 1000-2000 forint per month. Watch out the sector number: B11 was the place where you were unable to see the musicians at all because it was behind the stage and white veils used on stage covered everything.

Another historical piece is the ticket for the East Berlin show, 1990 at Werner-Seelenbinder-Halle. The fantastic mood of the wall destruction determined the success of the event: the hall was also full with at least 7000-8000 people where Edgar played his best guitar solo ever.

Another momentum: before the show thousands of people from East Berlin are watching video ads on the huge projector completely hypnotised.

A personally important piece: the ticket for the Shepherds Bush Empire show, 1996. My first personal meeting and discussion with Edgar after the show, at the bar. (I met Jerome also but not the first time.)

Here is the artwork of the Hungarian Goblin's Club show held within the 1997 tour. I still checked the sound check also in the afternoon. Everything worked...

The Mars Polaris show at Klangart was a very ridiculous experience since TD played more than 90% new, never performed material.

Shepherds Bush Empire had a new ticket format for the Phaedra 2005 show. I have two pieces from this small one - the other is a property of my son who was 10 then.

Tempodrom, Berlin, 2006 - should I say more? It is still so close to us in time...

Update: Andy was so kind and provide us this link with really ancient TD ticket scans...

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Szőke Szabolcs 2007.03.05. 22:14:55

I was one of the 11 000 fans on the 19.10.82 Budapest show.
At the age od 14 this was my first meeting with TD's music.
25 years has passed, and I still remember the fantastic feeling we had.
Now I'm listening the recording the Logos tour London show,
and the memories are coming back from sound to sound.
Thank you remembering me one of the best concert I've ever seen.
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