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London, 2005: hard to overshadow

2006.09.17. 07:44 gg

Since TD has no new message about their upcoming performance (just four days to go!) on the website since April everybody wonders what we can expect. The info they spreaded last time projects a similar program what we got in Shepherds Bush, London, 2005, but it isn't easy to beat. I was really impressed by that event which was the very best after-90 TD show no doubt started with the mystery of the 70s (big projected Arturia-Moog software instruments were a fantastic joke!) and closing with the groovy set of songs from now which made even the staff girls in security uniforms dancing.

(This picture of the London concert came from my Nokia 9500 phone, sorry for the quality.)

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Live concert on the latest fan meeting

2006.09.14. 13:46 gg

Our latest IRL meeting (kept October 29th, 2005) had a speciality: three of us - nicknames: adsr, Peter Lion and me - formed an electronic improvisation trio and gave a 90-minutes live concert with some visuals for the 100+ audience. The event was not advertised in any way only friends from the Index topic attended. The band had no name then but later we decided to go on as Trade Union.


Now we are in the middle of building a compact live setup with laptops, keyboards and software instruments only and will gig soon. Here you can find a sonic fragment what you can expect from us.

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Technical difficulties in 1982, Budapest

2006.09.11. 15:44 gg

Edgar, please, don't kill me! What's next is a clear break of your copyright, but this crystal clear evidence of your heroic work must reach the audience.

In 1982, TD was not the first western pop production which performed a live concert in Hungary but they were not far from it (between the first ten I think). The marvellous Logos show was a real media sensation here and grabbed the mind of the audience of 11,000 where many of us attended (I was only 14 then).

Why I'm writing these lines is that a friend carefully recorded the show with a big reel-to-reel magnetophone and two decent mikes (yes, there were no any security staff then), and we are presenting now an excerpt which was never published elsewhere until now. The file contains a serious technical breakdown during the first half - the preprogrammed sequence (which is familiar for all of us who knows the concert set) suddenly fades out and Edgar, Chris and Johannes must fill 4+ minutes with heavy ambient improvisation while the technicians put everything in order. Download, and enjoy. Thank you, TD!

(Photo was taken from an old Hungarian newspaper which doesn't exist now.)

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About us

2006.09.11. 10:01 gg

Who is behind this blog - if you read our posts the question could touch your mind perhaps. There is no mystery - the group of an extensive bunch of enthusiastic TD listener started to form in March 6th, 2000, when a new topic has born between ten thousands of other conversations of leading Hungarian portal called Within the next few days this conversation proved to be very virulent and until now we reached more than 5,000 posts from various friends - today we have around 100 of active partner from all around this little country.

In real life we started to organize meetings from 2003 - the very first event was a very good experience attending more than 50 people and the only Hungarian berlinschool-type group with a published official CD called Force Majeure. After long hours of conversation about TD (and FM, of course) we watched the Coventry Cathedral video and the sensation of those times, the Schwabische Strasse material on a big projected screen.

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New TL, old memories

2006.08.28. 14:03 gg

TL5 contains valuable memories for the TD listener, with acceptable quality. It's a pleasure to find the next piece of the 1997 tour, the Manchester set, which has a slightly different concert set list than the others from spring 97 - but it's not so important now (perhaps Edgar opened the sequencer files in a wrong order?). The real thing is that every 97 concert recording recalls good flashbacks from me like the full-house Budapest concert (Monica was soooo glad as I saw her), and the Warsaw event at the most beautiful place in the town - where Andrejka from Slovenia and me enjoyed nice hours of conversation with Edgar and the team (Monica, Emil, Jerome and Zlatko) after the show.

The picture was taken by Andrejka herself in Warsaw, winner of the TD web contest of 1996.

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Ready to go!

2006.08.16. 19:25 gg

Our site is up and running and the Hungarian TD team is also ready to fly to the upcoming Berlin show - you can see the evidence here: twenty-two tickets which arrived recently to our headquarters. Just for your information: our places will be found in the 3rd and 4th rows.

Please don't forget - and don't miss - the event: 21st September 2006, Tempodrom, Berlin. And check the official TD site frequently - wonderful background music, latest info, ticket ordering etc.

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